Thursday 11 August 2011

bad hair day much !

assalamualaikum wbt folks .

haven't been updating this lately . hahaha ,. i'm sorry :)

just a short post today .. it's about my new hair cut -.- *gahhh ~!

my previous hair cut was **WOW .! simple yet it's layered perfectly . so last Sunday ,. i wanted to trim it a little . just to get rid of my dyed hair slowly ~

no wonder it's cheap i assumed after he styled my hair awfully . 

perghhh ~! dia layer rambut i serious geram gilaaaa i tengok ouhhh ! feels like bitch slapping him *twice !

but i'm fasting aite ? so ,. sabar je lahhh . *haishhh .

one good thing is that my hair grows quite fast so i don't have to worry about getting it fix soon .

moral of the story ,. don't change your hairstylist once you're used with em ;)

p/s : hair ,. grow fast please :3



Tuesday 2 August 2011

blue rice today ;)

assalamualaikum wbt ...

hye peeps ;D

first of all , ALHAMDULILLAH .! setelah sekian lama tak terasa sekenyang sebegini . my god .! teruk betul lah saya nih . **kenapa ? awak selalu makan tak kenyang kee ? 

bukan tak kenyang .. just cukup-cukup jer . yelahh . kononnya nak kurus . tapi tak kurus kurus punnn *haihhh . susahnyerrrr ;P

yeapp . still tak sah puasa but i still puasa like everybody else . hmm ,.  insya Allah esok boleh kot . **pray for me pleaseeee .! AMINNNNNN .

nak story sket je i makan apa today ..

tau tak apakah ini ? haa .. yelahh . nasi kerabu lahhhh ! kenapa nasi tu blue biru ? 

hee ~ special kann ? time dia tanak nasi tu dia letak lah bunga kering nih . nama scientific is Clitoria Ternatea . nanti keluar lah original blue color tuu . kalau orang malas dia titik jaa few drops of blue coloring . tapi tak beshh lahhh .. tak original . heeee ~

baru satu suap makan nih ,. perghhh . pedas tak terkata . then tambah la budu roommate i nih . masin lah pulokkk .  ahh .. bantaiii jaaa sambil minum air ribena strawberry hand made by me ;) **sebenarnya nak cakap i buat air sedappp ;P

tu jer lahhh . esok nak makan apa pulok ehh .? hmmmm :3 yang pasti ribena mesti ada lagi <3


Monday 1 August 2011

1hb Ramadhan :)

assalamualaikum wbt friends ;)

today , first day puasa wehh . how was it yaww ? haaa ,.. semalam terawih takk ? mesti lupa kan ? *tsk tsk tskk

kalau yang pergi tu ,. DOUBLE THUMBS UP for youuu <3

hehehe . ni kenapa excited semacam nih ? yeahh ., i noticed  that myself even some of my classmates were wondering too . 

ada yang tanya " tak puasa ehhhh ? mumu kantoiii ... "

uishhh , mana adaaa ! xbaik tau cakap cmtuu tuduh-tuduh orang . tapi betul lahh . saya puasa xberniat . :)

hah ?? puasa xberniat ? wtfishh ?!

yelahh . Y. B. Alien Merah still mendarat tak nak balik balik so kalau niat puasa tak sah laa . means i still puasa tapi xdapat pahala puasa . get it ? * ishh . complicated betul lah minah ni . cakap je Peot je kan senang ? saja jaa bagi gempak cerita . hahaha :P

so kenapa excited ni ? orang puasa pun lembikkkk jee . monyokkk jee . senyum pun gitu gitu jeee . yang awak tu kononnya 'puasa' freshh jaa . pesepaa ?

hee ~ sebab saya ada S.E.M.A.N.G.A.T.!

yelahh . suka gilaaa kot bila datang bulan puasa nih . dah lah setahun sekali . rinduuu . dapat g bazar . malam pergi terawih .. tak kan korang tak suka kot ? yang paling best is nanti RAYA lahh . dapat duit . hahaha ** awak tu bukan dah sangat tua ker untuk dapat duit raya ? tskk . biarlahh . tak masuk 19 lagi tauu ? hahaha :P saya memang tak sedar diri betul .

okay okayy . actually nak type pendek jer .. nak gtau sahur apa je tadi .. boleh terlajak pulok buat essay syok sendiri . hahaha .

bangun sahur tadi pukul 4.30 a.m. woot woots ! awal hiler giler lerhhh . biasalahh . semangat hot hot chicken shit jerr . haha . thanks lah kat roommate yang kejut i tadi :3

mula-mula makan kurma , bancuh oat honey ( sedapppp ) , makan biskut then minum air banyak banyak baaaannnyyyyaaaakkkkk !!! lepas tu alhamdulillah .

then sambung TIDUR ! hahaha .

now tengah bersiap-siap nak pergi bazar pulak . tak tau lagi nak beli apa . big possibility nak beli ayam and tau fu faa <3 *lapar sudeh . 

bye byeee 


Saturday 30 July 2011

puasa yawww .

assalamualaikum wbt !

fuhhh . after for some time , today i started blogging again . *kinda have this awkward feeling ;S

Ramadhan . fasting month is coming people . i wonder am i ready for it yet ? nak tak nak kena ready gak lah kan ? hahaha .

but very sad lahhh .. because awal-awal lagi dah xleh sambut bulan mulia ini . why ??

** alien merah mendarat la pulok . cikupeng betul **

ni yang merosakkan mood puasa i ni . * grrr !

so, first of all , i nak mintak maaf kat seeeeeeeemua orang yang kenal i ni jikalau ada salah and silap yang i buat sedar or xsedar . I'm Sorry okay ? * i'm truly am :)

this year's aim during bulan puasa :

i) take care of my mouth . nak diammmm jer sbb kalau mengata org kurang pahala puasa nanti . hehe .
ii) nak solat terawih banyak2 sket tahun ni .
iii) still kekal xnak sentuh nasi . hahaha . diet teruk nih :P
iv) sahur atleast wake up at 5 . makan kurma pun jadi lah . Thanks mummy sebab beli kurma untuk i <3
v) tudung maintain di kepala . hahaha .
vi) be a good girl :) and be good to everyone too . 
vii) penting nih . PATIENCE ! i wonder if i can accomplish this ?? 

nak story sket lah sal Ramadhan nih . hee ~

fakta : Ramadhan always fall on the same day on the Islamic calendar ( lunar calendar ) . haa . tau tak lunar calendar tu amenda ? kita yang everyday tengok calender cuti tu is solar calender . kalau tak tau gak go search okay ?

Ramadhan is bulan 9 on the lunar calendar ;) ohh . jugak turun nya al-Quran .

Puasa setahun sekali nak bagi perut rehat jap . because korang hari-hari makan non-stop kesian kat dia 24/7 asyik digest makanan korang jee . i wonder sapelahh yang makan non-stop tu ? hahaha . ** foinee . me . tapi dulu okay ..? heee ~

ouh ouhh .. apa yang best kan .. it's time to say " PERSETAN kau syaitan ! " muahahaha . time ni lah takde gangguan daripada syaitan LANGSUNG ! yang tinggal cuma nafsu . so take care of your nafsu okay guys ?

** dah start malas dah .

easy say , Ramadhan ni banyak kelebihan berbanding bulan2 Islam yang lain . nak tau apa rajin-rajin la dengar ceramah agama or google aje . come on . we live in the modern society right ? IT man ! IT ~ :P

i hope korang boleh hayati lah bulan yang indah ini okay ? insya allah kalau ada rezeki dapat lah merasai malam lailatul qadar antara salah satu sepuluh malam terakhir . 

i guess that's all for today . will be updating soon *wink winks


p/s: Thanks for reading . i love you all <3 enjoy this Ramadhan . 

Tuesday 24 May 2011

i'm sorry

assalamualaikum wbt .

hey . sorry . i don't feel like writing . i'm sick . and i needed help for myself . pray for me .

salam .

- mumu -

Sunday 15 May 2011

berries berries

assalamualaikum wbt humans !

short post fer today .

last wednesday ,. my mom went to the market and bought these ...

muahaha ,. these are my favorite berries !

auww ,. jealous ? don't be . hahaha .

okay ,. so what's in the container ? 
  • strawberries
  • blackberries
  • red cherries
  • blueberries
of course we do like these berries to be sweet . unfortunately ,. my strawberries and blackberries aren't . and yaw know what did i do to continue enjoying it ?


seriously ,. i dipped those strawberries and blackberries and it tastes just awesome with some additional crunch ! you should try it . 

and there's something i would like to add on how i enjoyed my cherries

it's kinda weird ,. but it i taste good to me . i dipped it with durian sauce . TRY TRY TRY it ! hehehe ,.

walaah ,. i'm LOVIN it !


- mumu -

Saturday 14 May 2011

tadaAh~ !!

assalamualaikum wbt x)

wassup yaw readers ? how's your day doing ? me ? mine's doing great . see any improvements in my blog ? *hehehe ,. do i need to ask ? ;P

yes yaw !! it's pinkish blueish and it's quite PLAIN . to some of yaw probably will say B.O.R.I.N.G.G.G.G.G.!!!

it's okay . haha * giggles * 

actually ,. i did it on my own ^_^ and i'm so proud of it . credits NCKY too ( never forget yah ) . well ,. she's the one who taught me on how to edit the header . and walaah !! there me got it !!! * giggles again *

alright ,. adding a little more ,. i spent a total of 6 hours in creating the layouts and the header ( not to mention mistakes and trials-and-errors ) . 

those professional editors ,. i bet this thing is like baby steps to you right ? x) 

but for me , what an achievement ! and for sure i'll improve more on the layout soon . BEWARE ... muahahhaha * evil laugh *

ohh ,. FYI ,. pink + blue = purple . that's the reason i made it pinkish blueish ;) *cheers .


- mumu -

thank you . have a nice day yaw !

Thursday 12 May 2011

syurga is there for her .

assalamualaikum wbt :)

i've been listening to some ceramah agama recently on radio ,. and i find it that there's this one ustadz ( a very good one ) gives some good talk about everything ( to me ) . i'm not really sure about his name yet because the DJ spoke too fast . well ,. thanks to my mom who tune in into this frequency everyday . at least we get to learn some new things everyday right ? *gain pahala as well ;D

okay ,. there's this story he's been telling and it really makes me think how lucky this person is . i bet yaw'll agree soon to what i'll be writing :)

>> there's this old lady . CHINESE . not sure about her age . she's been listening to the ustadz's ceramah for 3 years . she bought herself some CDs of the ustadz's talk and she listens to it . her daughter is a MUSLIM ( like my mother's case ) . so , this chinese lady goes to tai chii class every morning and after exercising ,. she'll ask the tai chii members to sit together at the park and listens to the ustadz's talk through the CD by the radio . 

interesting right ?? a non-muslim asking her friends to listen and learn about Islam . if an old non-muslim lady could do that ,. why not we ourselves as Islam do that too ?

so ,. one day ,. this old lady told her daughter that she wanted to convert into Islam . **Alhamdulillah ,. Allah finally opens her heart and granted her hidayah . straight away the old lady's daughter called the ustadz and told him what her mother wished for . and yes ,. she successfully did it . ustadz himself guided her throughout the whole process .

successfully became Islam in the evening ( if i'm not mistaken ) . and wanna know what's shocking ? 

11 p.m. at the same day ,. the old lady fell into a coma . Allah had given the lady His first test . the daughter called the ustadz and told him what happened . ustadz was shocked himself . he prays and in his prayers he asked from Allah to return back her health .

3 days after that ,. when the ustadz is at the airport ( going for umrah ) ,. the daughter called again saying that her mother regained consciousness at 11 a.m. . she even mms'ed a picture of her mother wearing a hijab to ustadz . Alhamdulillah .

what's the bad news is that her mother was actually suffering from a cancer . and the doctors said that it's too late and asked the mother to stay at home . while the daughter was making preparations for her mother ( buying oxygen stuffs ) ,. doctor called her informing that her mother passed away . 

inna lillah wa inna 'ilayhi raji'un

what else can we say ? 

ustadz assumed that she'll be place in syurga . why ? because the lady was like a new born baby . clean from all types of sin . insya Allah . syurga is the best for her .

p/s : i'm just sharing . to listen to the ceramah ,. it's on every 2 p.m.


- mumu -

Wednesday 11 May 2011

me cross stitching yaww ~

assalamualaikum wbt people ! 

yeahh ,. yaw read the title . i'm doing cross stitching . for those who knows me quite well ,. i bet this question pops out in yaw head :-

" mumu's cross stitching ? what ? is she for real ? noooo ,. it can't be ."

well ,. believe me if that's what yaw thinking . what ? i'm rough means i can't do these girly-whirly stuffs ? or yaw think i'm too young to be old to do this thing ? *hecks ~

still think i'm talking shits ? want some proof ? fine ,. fineee ,.. i'll show you if that's what you want . but hey ! don't you dare laugh at me . DON'T ! because i've just started this piece of art . 

 the design i chose :)

so far ,. what i've done . as yaw can see ,. i'm doing the sky ( 2 different blues there )

according to the steps given


gotta admit that cross stitching is kinda boring when you just sit on the couch focusing 100% on your artwork ( unless you're an old lady ) .

we teenagers ,. full of energy can't stand sitting down staying still for few hours just SEWING ! me , myself fell asleep when i did that ! *shame on me x)

suggestions : when you're doing this , do it while you're watching TV or just listen to musics because it really takes time sewing one-by-one depending on the size of your sheet . 

it's quite easy actually doing this thing but what makes it challenging is you gotta be patience in doing it . *yeahh ,. i'm learning to be patience too indirectly . and that makes me a better person . LOL . 

i chose the horse design because after i'm done with stitching everything up ,. i'm gonna give it to my dad . (as a present ) . he likes horses so i think he likes it too . hopefully ! AMIN . and insya-allah ,. if i'm consistent enough ,. it'll be done in 2 months time . go me !! <3

p/s : thank you mummy for the money and papa ,. i hope you'll like it when it's done .


- mumu

Tuesday 10 May 2011

what's with SOMBONG ?

assalamualaikum wbt . 

heylow ! how does it feels like when people calling you sombong when you're not ONE ? i know ,. you don't like it right ? well ,. so do i .

do you think that calling me sombong will make me talk to you or some sorta things you were hoping for ? NO ! and i don't feel any guilt when i am ignoring you .

why are you calling me sombong ?

  • because i don't smile ?
  • because i don't reply to all your IMs ?
  • because i don't answer those calls/text messages ?
  • all those becauses ....
come on . grow up dudes .! obviously i only response well to those whom I KNOW quite well a.k.a. FRIENDS . strangers on facebook ? strangers calling my phone or texting me ? yeah ,. sometimes i do treat you all . but when i find it that your style don't suit me well . yeahh ,. i won't hesitate to ignore everything you do .

hoping for relationships ,. an advice for yaw ,. STOP HOPING .

okay ,. i hate when i'm being nice because people will take advantage on me . i hate it okay ? and yeahh ,. continue calling me sombong ,. 100% ignorance for sure -.-

it's up to yaw to judge me sombong or what so ever . because i know who am i . what am i . THANK YOU :)


- mumu -

Thursday 5 May 2011

my mug !

assalamualaikum wbt . :(

what happened ? my mug yaw ! it went broken and i was the murdererrrr !! nope ,. it's not any ordinary mug . it was so special to me . and seems unique to me . the design really caught my heart's eyes .

it's a PLAYBOY mug limited edition . well ,. it looks better before the cracks -.-

my dear mug ,. i'm so very the very sorry . i didn't mean to break you on purpose . it just slipped off my fingers . any how ,. you're the only mug that i ever loved . even if you are replaced ,. you still remain in my heart . 

end of my #1 favorite mug's history , i'm sorry and i love you . 


- mumu -

Sunday 1 May 2011

semester 2 ? hecks ~ i'm done with you -.-

assalamualaikum yaw ~!

i know it's not your time .  but , BYE BYE ! nooo .... not to my family . not to my friends . not to any human beings ~ but farewell semester 2 - Dec2010 . 

first of all .. heaven yeah ! i'm freakinly excited to be home . once again . me familea UNITED ! you guys really can't imagine how it felt to be left alone watching everyone leaving the campus since morning . while me ?! left all alone in a small room waiting to be picked up right after my last paper  . 

how's EXAM ? damn with all those papers . i'm bloody hell f*cked up so high ! ** ignore those improper words i used . it's an expression that really shows how tough those papers are . they're soooo mean to me . hate yaww !

just imagine how heavy this semester is ? all reading and memorizing subjects are being tested . CTU 151 ( 3 super heavy chapters . book's approximately 1.5cm thick ) ACC 116 ( 5 chapters ) ECO 162 ( 8 chapters ,. almost similar to physics . LOL ) MKT 243 ( 12 chapters ) .

3 + 5 + 8 + 12 = 28 chapters . 
you think this is a small matter ? in those 28 chapters do yaw know how many gezillions of words that i need to memorize ? all those terms used ? semester 2 is killing me softly but i survived physically ,. mentally half D-E-A-D !!

forget what i've done in FINALs . ** eekkk ,. deleting 70.54 % ** 

second of others . BMD2Cc . the BEST GROUP EVERRRR !

nope ,. i'm not lying ;D the best feeling i get when i'm in class is being surrounded with them . well ,. grouping is not so obvious since everybody actually blended in together quite well . not reallyyyyy everybody . i guess . hahaha . what can i say ?? GILA GILA SEMUANYA ! i love yaw brothers and sisters of group C !

seriously ,. i love you all !! i'm not lying . nope . still not lying xP ** panggg !! ouchhh ~ thanks for the slap ! teehehehe ~

third ,. after the second . my ex-roommates and current roommates .

yes . i love them too !! so MUCH !!! so far from the beginning of the semester i prayed so hard for getting  good roommates and ALHAMDULILLAH ! Allah hear my prayers . i get what i wanted . fyi ,. roommates play a very major role in influencing someone's studying's life . why do i say that ?

if you get a good roommate ,. then insya Allah ,. you'll be good too . but if otherwise , nauzubillah min zalik . i hope for not being in the 'otherwise' condition . AMIN !

this NCKY ! my girlfriend . she's my all and i love her . my sister ! THANK YOU for taking care of me . :))

AMIRAH & JANNAH . i'm so so very the VERY sorry to you girls . yeah . including during the clearance . i know i'm in the wrong and thank you all for being so patience to me through out the whole semester . 

actually A BIG THANK YOU TO EVERY ONE for being patience to me .

hmm ,. no matter what we're family in UiTM , Arau right ? RIGHTTT ?

what else is there for me to say ? i'm just so grateful to be here surrounded with these wonderful people . thank god my application last year to switch to other campus was rejected . now i know the reasons why it all happened . there's sweetness in every bitter bites . and i'm enjoying university life with THEM ! they're just my  second family when i'm not at home . xoxo

until we meet again in semester 3 -- 30 / 5 / 2011 --


- mumu -

Tuesday 26 April 2011

done with BEL 260

assalamualaikum wbt .

BEL 260 - intermediate English . not as easy as it sounds yaww ~

given time : 3 hours ( 2.15 p.m. - 5.15 p.m. ) but i spent 30 minutes sleeping earlier just now . a habit that i could not resist since schooling .. sleeping in exam . how pathetic . 

WHAT ?! PATH..TH .. ETIC.. C..C..?!! excuse me yaw ~ doesn't mean that i sleep means that i give up or i  can't do it okay ? it just makes me feel good when i'm answering those questions .

deduct those 30 minutes i wasted in sleeping ,. what is left for me is only 2 hours and 30 minutes ,. and i actually answered quite well . 


section 1 - 5 questions
section 2 - 5 questions
section 3 - 4 questions 


1 essay question . must be more than 350 words and it requires us to give opinion . 

i managed to finish all these in just 2 hours which only 30 minutes is left and that is when my misery starts . i was not allowed to leave the exam hall by the facilitator . well ,. i wasn't upset about that actually ,. but what really bothers me so much is that i need to go PEE PEE ! now ,. do yawll understands what's pee pee ?? i guess you've heard of it since kindy aitee ?? if not ,. shame on you ,.!  >__< 

cruelty is shown by them .! they don't understand how it feels like to hold against the urge of peeing !! i almost froze in that exam hall because the air cond's breeze was blowing exactly on my back . and i thought that my urine was about to freeze too . just imagine how i felt . how i suffered for 30 minutes ??

the sufferings of having to wait for 30 minutes ,. i'll have my signature all over the  paper :D 

and this is when i really really really need to go to the toilet !!!

okay ,. done with today's paper ,. and hell yeah ,. three more to go . 
ohh ,. pretty please be nice to me with some cherries on top ?? * wink winkss !!


- mumu -

Monday 25 April 2011

just understand by what she acts :)

assalamualaikum wbt ;))

hey hey HEY !!! yes . YOU . yeahh ,. i was hey'ing at you . haven't you noticed yet ? *still hey'ingggg ~ LOL

** just pretend as in you see me waving at you saying HEY . hahaha cheers yawww !!

alright yaw ~ for yaw guys out there *gay's an exception ,.. notice that sometimes your girl's acting strange before yaw guys start a fight ? you know ,. certain gestures or expressions which i find it MOST of the guys are really really REALLY slow in catching up those points . 

yes ! actually it's a fact that guys are mostly STRAIGHT TO THE POINT and they just don't get hidden messages by us . so for girls out there ,. stop letting your lover involving into a complicated situation where he has to think what's the problem and you're trying to convey what's wrong . JUST TELL HIM STRAIGHT TO HIS FACE what causes your dissatisfactions . don't waste your precious time and it is also preventing you from getting hurt yourself .   :) 

 auww ~ i wish i had those beautiful eyes !!

*pssttt !! guys ~ you wanna be a great lover don't you ? an understanding one ? so ,. i suggest you read certain things about her when you notice something's wrong the moment she says or text something sorta like these below ....:

  •  Fine . 
this is the word she will use to end an argument when she's  right and you need to shut up . 
  •  Nothing . 
this is the calm before the storm . this means something , and you should be on your toes .arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine .
  •  Go Ahead . 
this is a dare . not permission . DON'T DO IT !
  •  *Loud Sigh . 
this is actually a word ( funny aitee ? ) , but it is a non - verbal statement often misunderstood by you guys . a loud ,. i repeat LOUD sigh means she thinks that you're an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time arguing with you about nothing ,. i repeat again ,. N.O.T.H.I.N.G.! [[ kindly refer again to the second point for the meaning of NOTHING  x)  ]]
  •  That's Okay . 
this is one of the most dangerous hazardous riskious and all the OUSes ( i'm just adding it up to make it sound more effective ;P ) statement a women can make to a man . that's okay means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistakes . OMGoshh ~ they're like me . spiteful .
  •  Thanks . 
she's thanking you .?! do not question , or faint . just say you're welcome . [[ i wanna add in a clause here -- this is true , unless she says " Thanks A Lot " -- yaww ~ that is PURE SARCASM and note that she's not thanking you at all . DON'T EVER EVER EVER say " You're Welcome " . shows that you're a complete moron andddd ,. that will bring on a " Whateverrrr " ]] .
  •  Whateverrrrr . 
not to be rude ,. but ....

it's a woman's way of saying FORK YOU !

  •  Don't Worry About It . I Got It . 
note that it's another dangerous statement ,. meaning that this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times ,.... but is now doing it herself .

then you'll ask " what's wrong baby ? " and wanna know what she'll response to ? gladly refer to the second point AGAIN :)

that's all yaw ~ those deadly statements . so for you guys ,. be smart yaw in doing anything and girls out there ,. go easy on them ,. they're not as passionate as us  XD  ***cheers yaww !!


- mumu -

Saturday 23 April 2011

CTU 151 ( final exam for semester 2 )

assalamualaikum wbt yaww ;)

heyy alls ! currently i'm having my final exams for semester 2 ( April 2011 ) and so far ,. i've just finished my first paper ,. CTU 151 - pemikiran tamadun Islam . i google translated it and it says ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION THOUGHTS . :) and yes i'm not ashamed to admit that sometimes i use google translator because it's way faster than using a dictionary and at the same time , i am learning new words too .

okay ,. when i was updating this blog ,. i was being asked to do it in malay . so , today's post will be in MALAY . my national language .

jadi , apa yang saya belajar dalam subjek CTU 151 ? kita tengok ayat 'pemikiran tamadun Islam' pun boleh agak yang ia berkaitan dengan sejarah . YA ! saya belajar maksud tamadun , sejarah tamadun Islam dan juga kedatangan Islam ke alam melayu . serupa sejarah tingkatan 5 tetapi lagi detailed !

walaupun hanya 3 topik yang ditanya dalam kertas soalan ,. tapi harammmm ,. ingat senang ke ? oh tidak sesama sekali . ini adalah salah satu subjek yang dianggap killer oleh saya kerana subjek ini memerlukan skill penghafalan yang sangat tinggi << menunjukkan subjek ini sangat susah berbanding ekonomik , akaun , dan juga pemasaran . hehe ,. skema gila yaw minah nih ! bila lah kekejaman ini akan berakhir ??

untuk pengetahuan anda , saya tidak seberapa minat subjek sejarah sebagaimana yang diminati oleh ayah saya . ada ke patut dia kata itulah subjek yang paling senang nak goreng ?! *maafkanlah saya Papa ,. saya telah buat yang terbaik semasa menjawab soalan-soalan tadi .

nak dijadikan cerita , semasa duk pulun study untuk beberapa hari ,. *mata pun dah cekang habis lah  ada lah suatu petang ni .. tengah-tengah membaca dan menghafal ni ,. 


perghh ,. terlepas angin dari belakang . rakan-rakan yang tengah online , ulangkaji semua terbantut sebentar aktiviti mereka . TAK TAHAN bau kata mereka kata  " tulah ,. makan telur lagi . kan DAHSYAT bau nya ? ". hahaha

rakan seorang lagi yang tengah kusyuk sembahyang pun terbatal habis nawaitu nya . boleh pulak tengah baca al-fatihah tiba-tiba jatuh gelak terguling-guling . lepas gelak baru nak marah . maaf ya ? saya langsung tiada niat untuk mempersendakan hukum Islam . waktu tu dah tak tertahan sampai termelepas . 

selepas beberapa hari bersengkang mata untuk subjek ini ,.. akhirnya tibalah hari untuk menjawab soalan ini . semasa dalam dewan peperiksaan ,. tengok kertas soalan pun dah cuak gila ! lepas isi nama serta butiran-butiran lain ,. mula lah sesi menjampi segala doa tawakkal , terang hati , pa semua  sampai nak tersembur-sembur air liur .

masa 2 jam yang diberikan telah digunakan sebaik mungkin walaupun beberapa kali tertidur akibat kesejukan yang melampau . *sweater rosak :( terpaksa menahan kesejukan yang mencengkam tulang .

alhamdulillah ! soalan tidaklah sesusah yang disangkakan . tetapi kerisauan masih ada . insya allah ~ saya boleh buat . AMIN !!

tepat jam 11.00 pagi ,. sejurus keluar dari dewan peperiksaan , boleh terasa yang berat bebanan CTU 151 hilang dalam sekelip mata . rasa lega tau tak ? hehehe

bye byee CTU 151 !!

saya itu sahajalah untuk hari ini . sehingga kita ketemu lagi :D

p/s : even my malay is so lame for some of you all ,. but i'm trying my best to improve it . doesn't mean that someone who speaks fluent in  malay means could write in malay perfectly . same goes to other languages too .   :)

not to be hypocrite because , i do speak and chat in malay but this exactly how i write in malay . using proper malay . you know ,. not the malay pasar language ? 

Friday 22 April 2011

fact about girls .

assalamualaikum wbt :X

if a girl admits that


know that it took her 

every ounce of

courage she has

to do that


Thursday 21 April 2011

red + blue = purple

assalamualaikum wbt :D

rawrr ! wassup yaw lovely / singly birds out there ? doing great ? in a fight ? or just .... LONELY .?

i envy those who answered doing great ! don't wanna talk about it .  >__< 

in a fight ? i'm not getting involve .  :) 

chill LONELY peeps ,. i understand how it feels like . but hey ,.! WE ARE YOUNG ! there's still plenty of birds out there .. unless you wanna wait , it's up to you .

BIRDS ?! a little advice for the guys ,. don't find birds that carries eggs around with them ,. THEY are only for GIRLS like me  :P  ** jokinggg !! unless you're a gay wannabe . no offense yaww !!

what's up with the picture ? i don't think you all need further explanations about it . i can guess that you'll get the meaning when you look at it briefly .

the way that person expressed it really pierced me deep into my heart . and yes ,. when 76 ( ex-boyfie ) text-ed me yesterday , i just couldn't lie to my heart anymore that i actually missed him so much . daymnn ! i still could not forget him 100 % yet . but it's actually my fault for letting him invade my heart in the first place . *congratulations girl . that's what you get when you purposely get your heart blinded  :) 

what is there to compare a 2 weeks puppy love feeling and a 3 years heart - to - heart love feeling ? nothing !

what can i say ,.? he still holds the key to my heart even a puppy is trying to steal it away .

i'm not waiting but i've let it go . i'm not begging but sometimes i still hopes . i'm not crying but sometimes it still hurts . i'm not remembering but sometimes it keeps on reminding . until when do i have to suffer these alone ?

everyday ,.. i just place my hand at my chest and said "all is well" just to comfort my feelings . yes ,. it really helps . thanks to Aamir Khan a.k.a Rancho from 3 idiots .  :) 

p/s : 163244 - 76 :S


- mumu -

Wednesday 20 April 2011

you got what you asked for !

assalamualaikum wbt :S

as a university student ,. have you ever think about the consequences of failing certain subjects that you hated the most ? if you ask for my advice ,.. PLEASE DON'T DO THAT !! don't do that if you wanna live an easier study life .

i always hated accounts . they always make my life so miserable . during my schooling time ,. i thought that physics is the only subject that messed my head up . and i thought it only ends there at school .

but my misery continues with the existence of accounting subject in business study . *gahhh ! curse you account !!!

for your information ,. i purposely failed my Financial Accounting ?

why the heck did you do that ? are ya outta yaw mind , gawrl ?

YES ! i was thinking in a short run period . just imagine it took me almost 3 critical months just to understand and recognize which is credit and debit , how to do ledger and how to close account while the lecturer had finished teaching income statement .

but i don't give up easily ! i took extra classes from other lecturer but i still couldn't understand account . i did past year questions but i answered all shits . i asked my friends for help in teaching me account but in the end i ended up with question marks in my head

so at last , what i did was gave up studying accounts and focussed more on my mathematics <3

i told myself ,. during FINAL , when it's exactly 30 minutes up ,. i'm gonna step out straight from the exam hall with my thick face . and yes ~ i really did that . but don't think that i left the hall with my papers blank . i only answered what i can understand by using simple mathematics .

so finally when my results came out ,.

:'C my GPA was only 2.84 . i was not upset because i failed my accounts ( which i got D ) but what makes me frustrated was that my management i only scored C+ ?! *shittt !

okay ,. what makes me realized that i did a super big mistake ? it was when i finally understand what GPA and CGPA  are . the most important is the CGPA .

i have a total 6 semesters in completing my DIPLOMA . and i aimed to get a total CGPA of at least 3.5 in my cert . 

since i've messed up in semester 1 , for the rest of my semester i need to struggle hard ! this is what i calculated for today

 2.84 + ( 3.65 x 5 ) = 21.09 

 21.09 ÷ 6 = 3.515  <<< this is what i want in my dippy cert !

therefore , i just realized that i just can't play around with my studies anymore . but i think it's too late that i've just realized it and that my FINAL is coming this saturday .

so if i messed up again this semester ,  no more fooling around  anymore next semester until i complete my dippy program . 

p/s : doesn't mean that someone who is good in mathematics must also be good in accounts .

i wanna make myself proud and my family proud of me . ya ALLAH ,. please forgive me for asking but i need your blessings .insya allah . amin ya rabbal `alamin .


- mumu -

special thanks to muhammad ismail bocane wak di :D
this is us after finished studying cost accounting . THANK YOU ELL for helping me always !!

Tuesday 19 April 2011

the making of MUMU MARSHY MALLOW :D

assalamualaikum wbt yaww !! xD

hey yaw guys , gays , lesbos, and girls ! yaw wanna know what am i capable of when i'm extremely bored to death ? haha

there's a malay term which what we called it as ' syiok sendiri ' . i'm not so sure of what we call that term in english . self-understanding please ~ :D 

i have to admit that i only use simple english :)) and i'm still learning on how to improve it .

i can't be on TV . so i'll be on my own blog :P

there ,. enjoy reading the story line . if you can't read it clearly , kindly click on the photo for a better view . 

well ,. at least i'm not like Cikgu Shida from Parit . you can search her on youtube >__<

ENJOY readers :D


- mumu -

when puppy love struck me out of the sudden :P

assalamualaikum wbt :D

i get the best feeling in the world if you say 'hi' or smile or even just glance at me for 0.25 secs because i get the feeling at least you noticed that i exist !

LOL . i always felt that way when i saw him from far away with my blurred vision ( especially at night , my eyes just won't cooperate with me D: ) *sighh ! 

now ,. who is the 'HIM' ? nope ,. i won't tell who he is . never ever EVERRR ~

whyyyyy ~~ ?? i'm just too SHYYYY !! :(

but one thing for sure ,. he drives me sooo crazy whenever he's in my mind !!! OMJAYYY ! someone please slap me in the face ! hard one .! 

let me tell yaw something about this guy ,.

the first time i heard his name is from my ex-roommate in semester ONE . she borrowed my lappy and spent her whole night stalking everybody's facebook profile just to know that guy's name . ( that's why i said that facebook is a great stalking port ) . and hell yeah ,. she succeeded ! congratulations to you . but at that time ,. i couldn't be bothered who's that guy even she showed me his picture . ( yes ! he have this face that could melt certain girls easily . i admit it . )

the second time i heard his name and saw him is when my lesbo had a crush on him this semester ( when she's single ) . and again ,. i glanced at him briefly and said to her , " what's so special about him ? he looks like a gay ! " . *woopsiee ,. i'm sorry !

when did i crushed for this guy ?

i crushed for him unexpectedly ! one day when i was walking to class , i saw him wearing the same theme as me . TOTAL WHITE outfit ! but at that time ,. i couldn't recognize him at all . so i asked my friend . who is that fella ? and when she told me his name , i was wondering why was that name seems so familiar ? and again ,. i couldn't be bothered more to know the reasons because i still have feelings for my ex-boyfie !

okay ,. when i am living half alive ( trust me ,. i had a very tough time trying to build myself up ) ,. i took a decision to move on and start to forget the feelings i had before for my ex-boyfie . I STOPPED HOPING THAT HE'LL COME BACK AND I'M STILL CLIMBING OUT OF THE WALL THAT WAS BUILT ONCE FOR HIM . what do i meant by ' THE WALL ' was all my feelings i felt for him ,. all my hopes i hoped for him ,. all my promises i promised him . 

and that is when i had this crazy and silly crush on that guy !!

how ?

i don't really know how exactly . =.=

but it was like one night i was having dinner ,. he was there coincidently . and i don't know how but when i looked at him ,. i fell for him . honestly ,. the last time i fell for a guy was like almost THREE years ago !! and i was still schooling at that time .
i just couldn't believe that i could still feel my heart beat that fast again . and i thought that i might get a heart-attack that night ! hahaha :D

and since that night , i've been acting silly , stupid and crazy . he just make me so fond of him ! * grrr !! so , what makes the story more interesting is that my lesbo's roommate , Miss P is his classmate . get it right ? what a shock when Miss P told me that she and him are never on the same track together . and when i confessed that i like him ,. she just stares at me and said , " Just Go Find Another Guy " . LOL . every time when Miss P goes to class , i'll ask her to send my regards to him . *sorry for the harassment !

i don't know ,. but every time that guy is around , i could just forget the pain in my heart . every time he shows up , i just looked down and cover my blushing face . every time i hear his name ,. i'll just smile widely . but until now , i still hadn't talk with him yet . i wonder how his voice sounds like ? fyi ,. i don't think he knows me . funny right ? hahaha . i just don't have the courage to face him at all ! i'm just too shy !! :P

oh yess ,. i just wanna clarify that i only like him . not LOVE him . there's a huge difference in both meaning . 

p/s : hey guy ~ stop stealing my heart away !


- mumu -

he brightens my gloomy world without him realizing ! :D