Tuesday 26 April 2011

done with BEL 260

assalamualaikum wbt .

BEL 260 - intermediate English . not as easy as it sounds yaww ~

given time : 3 hours ( 2.15 p.m. - 5.15 p.m. ) but i spent 30 minutes sleeping earlier just now . a habit that i could not resist since schooling .. sleeping in exam . how pathetic . 

WHAT ?! PATH..TH .. ETIC.. C..C..?!! excuse me yaw ~ doesn't mean that i sleep means that i give up or i  can't do it okay ? it just makes me feel good when i'm answering those questions .

deduct those 30 minutes i wasted in sleeping ,. what is left for me is only 2 hours and 30 minutes ,. and i actually answered quite well . 


section 1 - 5 questions
section 2 - 5 questions
section 3 - 4 questions 


1 essay question . must be more than 350 words and it requires us to give opinion . 

i managed to finish all these in just 2 hours which only 30 minutes is left and that is when my misery starts . i was not allowed to leave the exam hall by the facilitator . well ,. i wasn't upset about that actually ,. but what really bothers me so much is that i need to go PEE PEE ! now ,. do yawll understands what's pee pee ?? i guess you've heard of it since kindy aitee ?? if not ,. shame on you ,.!  >__< 

cruelty is shown by them .! they don't understand how it feels like to hold against the urge of peeing !! i almost froze in that exam hall because the air cond's breeze was blowing exactly on my back . and i thought that my urine was about to freeze too . just imagine how i felt . how i suffered for 30 minutes ??

the sufferings of having to wait for 30 minutes ,. i'll have my signature all over the  paper :D 

and this is when i really really really need to go to the toilet !!!

okay ,. done with today's paper ,. and hell yeah ,. three more to go . 
ohh ,. pretty please be nice to me with some cherries on top ?? * wink winkss !!


- mumu -

Monday 25 April 2011

just understand by what she acts :)

assalamualaikum wbt ;))

hey hey HEY !!! yes . YOU . yeahh ,. i was hey'ing at you . haven't you noticed yet ? *still hey'ingggg ~ LOL

** just pretend as in you see me waving at you saying HEY . hahaha cheers yawww !!

alright yaw ~ for yaw guys out there *gay's an exception ,.. notice that sometimes your girl's acting strange before yaw guys start a fight ? you know ,. certain gestures or expressions which i find it MOST of the guys are really really REALLY slow in catching up those points . 

yes ! actually it's a fact that guys are mostly STRAIGHT TO THE POINT and they just don't get hidden messages by us . so for girls out there ,. stop letting your lover involving into a complicated situation where he has to think what's the problem and you're trying to convey what's wrong . JUST TELL HIM STRAIGHT TO HIS FACE what causes your dissatisfactions . don't waste your precious time and it is also preventing you from getting hurt yourself .   :) 

 auww ~ i wish i had those beautiful eyes !!

*pssttt !! guys ~ you wanna be a great lover don't you ? an understanding one ? so ,. i suggest you read certain things about her when you notice something's wrong the moment she says or text something sorta like these below ....:

  •  Fine . 
this is the word she will use to end an argument when she's  right and you need to shut up . 
  •  Nothing . 
this is the calm before the storm . this means something , and you should be on your toes .arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine .
  •  Go Ahead . 
this is a dare . not permission . DON'T DO IT !
  •  *Loud Sigh . 
this is actually a word ( funny aitee ? ) , but it is a non - verbal statement often misunderstood by you guys . a loud ,. i repeat LOUD sigh means she thinks that you're an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time arguing with you about nothing ,. i repeat again ,. N.O.T.H.I.N.G.! [[ kindly refer again to the second point for the meaning of NOTHING  x)  ]]
  •  That's Okay . 
this is one of the most dangerous hazardous riskious and all the OUSes ( i'm just adding it up to make it sound more effective ;P ) statement a women can make to a man . that's okay means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistakes . OMGoshh ~ they're like me . spiteful .
  •  Thanks . 
she's thanking you .?! do not question , or faint . just say you're welcome . [[ i wanna add in a clause here -- this is true , unless she says " Thanks A Lot " -- yaww ~ that is PURE SARCASM and note that she's not thanking you at all . DON'T EVER EVER EVER say " You're Welcome " . shows that you're a complete moron andddd ,. that will bring on a " Whateverrrr " ]] .
  •  Whateverrrrr . 
not to be rude ,. but ....

it's a woman's way of saying FORK YOU !

  •  Don't Worry About It . I Got It . 
note that it's another dangerous statement ,. meaning that this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times ,.... but is now doing it herself .

then you'll ask " what's wrong baby ? " and wanna know what she'll response to ? gladly refer to the second point AGAIN :)

that's all yaw ~ those deadly statements . so for you guys ,. be smart yaw in doing anything and girls out there ,. go easy on them ,. they're not as passionate as us  XD  ***cheers yaww !!


- mumu -

Saturday 23 April 2011

CTU 151 ( final exam for semester 2 )

assalamualaikum wbt yaww ;)

heyy alls ! currently i'm having my final exams for semester 2 ( April 2011 ) and so far ,. i've just finished my first paper ,. CTU 151 - pemikiran tamadun Islam . i google translated it and it says ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION THOUGHTS . :) and yes i'm not ashamed to admit that sometimes i use google translator because it's way faster than using a dictionary and at the same time , i am learning new words too .

okay ,. when i was updating this blog ,. i was being asked to do it in malay . so , today's post will be in MALAY . my national language .

jadi , apa yang saya belajar dalam subjek CTU 151 ? kita tengok ayat 'pemikiran tamadun Islam' pun boleh agak yang ia berkaitan dengan sejarah . YA ! saya belajar maksud tamadun , sejarah tamadun Islam dan juga kedatangan Islam ke alam melayu . serupa sejarah tingkatan 5 tetapi lagi detailed !

walaupun hanya 3 topik yang ditanya dalam kertas soalan ,. tapi harammmm ,. ingat senang ke ? oh tidak sesama sekali . ini adalah salah satu subjek yang dianggap killer oleh saya kerana subjek ini memerlukan skill penghafalan yang sangat tinggi << menunjukkan subjek ini sangat susah berbanding ekonomik , akaun , dan juga pemasaran . hehe ,. skema gila yaw minah nih ! bila lah kekejaman ini akan berakhir ??

untuk pengetahuan anda , saya tidak seberapa minat subjek sejarah sebagaimana yang diminati oleh ayah saya . ada ke patut dia kata itulah subjek yang paling senang nak goreng ?! *maafkanlah saya Papa ,. saya telah buat yang terbaik semasa menjawab soalan-soalan tadi .

nak dijadikan cerita , semasa duk pulun study untuk beberapa hari ,. *mata pun dah cekang habis lah  ada lah suatu petang ni .. tengah-tengah membaca dan menghafal ni ,. 


perghh ,. terlepas angin dari belakang . rakan-rakan yang tengah online , ulangkaji semua terbantut sebentar aktiviti mereka . TAK TAHAN bau kata mereka kata  " tulah ,. makan telur lagi . kan DAHSYAT bau nya ? ". hahaha

rakan seorang lagi yang tengah kusyuk sembahyang pun terbatal habis nawaitu nya . boleh pulak tengah baca al-fatihah tiba-tiba jatuh gelak terguling-guling . lepas gelak baru nak marah . maaf ya ? saya langsung tiada niat untuk mempersendakan hukum Islam . waktu tu dah tak tertahan sampai termelepas . 

selepas beberapa hari bersengkang mata untuk subjek ini ,.. akhirnya tibalah hari untuk menjawab soalan ini . semasa dalam dewan peperiksaan ,. tengok kertas soalan pun dah cuak gila ! lepas isi nama serta butiran-butiran lain ,. mula lah sesi menjampi segala doa tawakkal , terang hati , pa semua  sampai nak tersembur-sembur air liur .

masa 2 jam yang diberikan telah digunakan sebaik mungkin walaupun beberapa kali tertidur akibat kesejukan yang melampau . *sweater rosak :( terpaksa menahan kesejukan yang mencengkam tulang .

alhamdulillah ! soalan tidaklah sesusah yang disangkakan . tetapi kerisauan masih ada . insya allah ~ saya boleh buat . AMIN !!

tepat jam 11.00 pagi ,. sejurus keluar dari dewan peperiksaan , boleh terasa yang berat bebanan CTU 151 hilang dalam sekelip mata . rasa lega tau tak ? hehehe

bye byee CTU 151 !!

saya itu sahajalah untuk hari ini . sehingga kita ketemu lagi :D

p/s : even my malay is so lame for some of you all ,. but i'm trying my best to improve it . doesn't mean that someone who speaks fluent in  malay means could write in malay perfectly . same goes to other languages too .   :)

not to be hypocrite because , i do speak and chat in malay but this exactly how i write in malay . using proper malay . you know ,. not the malay pasar language ? 

Friday 22 April 2011

fact about girls .

assalamualaikum wbt :X

if a girl admits that


know that it took her 

every ounce of

courage she has

to do that


Thursday 21 April 2011

red + blue = purple

assalamualaikum wbt :D

rawrr ! wassup yaw lovely / singly birds out there ? doing great ? in a fight ? or just .... LONELY .?

i envy those who answered doing great ! don't wanna talk about it .  >__< 

in a fight ? i'm not getting involve .  :) 

chill LONELY peeps ,. i understand how it feels like . but hey ,.! WE ARE YOUNG ! there's still plenty of birds out there .. unless you wanna wait , it's up to you .

BIRDS ?! a little advice for the guys ,. don't find birds that carries eggs around with them ,. THEY are only for GIRLS like me  :P  ** jokinggg !! unless you're a gay wannabe . no offense yaww !!

what's up with the picture ? i don't think you all need further explanations about it . i can guess that you'll get the meaning when you look at it briefly .

the way that person expressed it really pierced me deep into my heart . and yes ,. when 76 ( ex-boyfie ) text-ed me yesterday , i just couldn't lie to my heart anymore that i actually missed him so much . daymnn ! i still could not forget him 100 % yet . but it's actually my fault for letting him invade my heart in the first place . *congratulations girl . that's what you get when you purposely get your heart blinded  :) 

what is there to compare a 2 weeks puppy love feeling and a 3 years heart - to - heart love feeling ? nothing !

what can i say ,.? he still holds the key to my heart even a puppy is trying to steal it away .

i'm not waiting but i've let it go . i'm not begging but sometimes i still hopes . i'm not crying but sometimes it still hurts . i'm not remembering but sometimes it keeps on reminding . until when do i have to suffer these alone ?

everyday ,.. i just place my hand at my chest and said "all is well" just to comfort my feelings . yes ,. it really helps . thanks to Aamir Khan a.k.a Rancho from 3 idiots .  :) 

p/s : 163244 - 76 :S


- mumu -

Wednesday 20 April 2011

you got what you asked for !

assalamualaikum wbt :S

as a university student ,. have you ever think about the consequences of failing certain subjects that you hated the most ? if you ask for my advice ,.. PLEASE DON'T DO THAT !! don't do that if you wanna live an easier study life .

i always hated accounts . they always make my life so miserable . during my schooling time ,. i thought that physics is the only subject that messed my head up . and i thought it only ends there at school .

but my misery continues with the existence of accounting subject in business study . *gahhh ! curse you account !!!

for your information ,. i purposely failed my Financial Accounting ?

why the heck did you do that ? are ya outta yaw mind , gawrl ?

YES ! i was thinking in a short run period . just imagine it took me almost 3 critical months just to understand and recognize which is credit and debit , how to do ledger and how to close account while the lecturer had finished teaching income statement .

but i don't give up easily ! i took extra classes from other lecturer but i still couldn't understand account . i did past year questions but i answered all shits . i asked my friends for help in teaching me account but in the end i ended up with question marks in my head

so at last , what i did was gave up studying accounts and focussed more on my mathematics <3

i told myself ,. during FINAL , when it's exactly 30 minutes up ,. i'm gonna step out straight from the exam hall with my thick face . and yes ~ i really did that . but don't think that i left the hall with my papers blank . i only answered what i can understand by using simple mathematics .

so finally when my results came out ,.

:'C my GPA was only 2.84 . i was not upset because i failed my accounts ( which i got D ) but what makes me frustrated was that my management i only scored C+ ?! *shittt !

okay ,. what makes me realized that i did a super big mistake ? it was when i finally understand what GPA and CGPA  are . the most important is the CGPA .

i have a total 6 semesters in completing my DIPLOMA . and i aimed to get a total CGPA of at least 3.5 in my cert . 

since i've messed up in semester 1 , for the rest of my semester i need to struggle hard ! this is what i calculated for today

 2.84 + ( 3.65 x 5 ) = 21.09 

 21.09 ÷ 6 = 3.515  <<< this is what i want in my dippy cert !

therefore , i just realized that i just can't play around with my studies anymore . but i think it's too late that i've just realized it and that my FINAL is coming this saturday .

so if i messed up again this semester ,  no more fooling around  anymore next semester until i complete my dippy program . 

p/s : doesn't mean that someone who is good in mathematics must also be good in accounts .

i wanna make myself proud and my family proud of me . ya ALLAH ,. please forgive me for asking but i need your blessings .insya allah . amin ya rabbal `alamin .


- mumu -

special thanks to muhammad ismail bocane wak di :D
this is us after finished studying cost accounting . THANK YOU ELL for helping me always !!

Tuesday 19 April 2011

the making of MUMU MARSHY MALLOW :D

assalamualaikum wbt yaww !! xD

hey yaw guys , gays , lesbos, and girls ! yaw wanna know what am i capable of when i'm extremely bored to death ? haha

there's a malay term which what we called it as ' syiok sendiri ' . i'm not so sure of what we call that term in english . self-understanding please ~ :D 

i have to admit that i only use simple english :)) and i'm still learning on how to improve it .

i can't be on TV . so i'll be on my own blog :P

there ,. enjoy reading the story line . if you can't read it clearly , kindly click on the photo for a better view . 

well ,. at least i'm not like Cikgu Shida from Parit . you can search her on youtube >__<

ENJOY readers :D


- mumu -

when puppy love struck me out of the sudden :P

assalamualaikum wbt :D

i get the best feeling in the world if you say 'hi' or smile or even just glance at me for 0.25 secs because i get the feeling at least you noticed that i exist !

LOL . i always felt that way when i saw him from far away with my blurred vision ( especially at night , my eyes just won't cooperate with me D: ) *sighh ! 

now ,. who is the 'HIM' ? nope ,. i won't tell who he is . never ever EVERRR ~

whyyyyy ~~ ?? i'm just too SHYYYY !! :(

but one thing for sure ,. he drives me sooo crazy whenever he's in my mind !!! OMJAYYY ! someone please slap me in the face ! hard one .! 

let me tell yaw something about this guy ,.

the first time i heard his name is from my ex-roommate in semester ONE . she borrowed my lappy and spent her whole night stalking everybody's facebook profile just to know that guy's name . ( that's why i said that facebook is a great stalking port ) . and hell yeah ,. she succeeded ! congratulations to you . but at that time ,. i couldn't be bothered who's that guy even she showed me his picture . ( yes ! he have this face that could melt certain girls easily . i admit it . )

the second time i heard his name and saw him is when my lesbo had a crush on him this semester ( when she's single ) . and again ,. i glanced at him briefly and said to her , " what's so special about him ? he looks like a gay ! " . *woopsiee ,. i'm sorry !

when did i crushed for this guy ?

i crushed for him unexpectedly ! one day when i was walking to class , i saw him wearing the same theme as me . TOTAL WHITE outfit ! but at that time ,. i couldn't recognize him at all . so i asked my friend . who is that fella ? and when she told me his name , i was wondering why was that name seems so familiar ? and again ,. i couldn't be bothered more to know the reasons because i still have feelings for my ex-boyfie !

okay ,. when i am living half alive ( trust me ,. i had a very tough time trying to build myself up ) ,. i took a decision to move on and start to forget the feelings i had before for my ex-boyfie . I STOPPED HOPING THAT HE'LL COME BACK AND I'M STILL CLIMBING OUT OF THE WALL THAT WAS BUILT ONCE FOR HIM . what do i meant by ' THE WALL ' was all my feelings i felt for him ,. all my hopes i hoped for him ,. all my promises i promised him . 

and that is when i had this crazy and silly crush on that guy !!

how ?

i don't really know how exactly . =.=

but it was like one night i was having dinner ,. he was there coincidently . and i don't know how but when i looked at him ,. i fell for him . honestly ,. the last time i fell for a guy was like almost THREE years ago !! and i was still schooling at that time .
i just couldn't believe that i could still feel my heart beat that fast again . and i thought that i might get a heart-attack that night ! hahaha :D

and since that night , i've been acting silly , stupid and crazy . he just make me so fond of him ! * grrr !! so , what makes the story more interesting is that my lesbo's roommate , Miss P is his classmate . get it right ? what a shock when Miss P told me that she and him are never on the same track together . and when i confessed that i like him ,. she just stares at me and said , " Just Go Find Another Guy " . LOL . every time when Miss P goes to class , i'll ask her to send my regards to him . *sorry for the harassment !

i don't know ,. but every time that guy is around , i could just forget the pain in my heart . every time he shows up , i just looked down and cover my blushing face . every time i hear his name ,. i'll just smile widely . but until now , i still hadn't talk with him yet . i wonder how his voice sounds like ? fyi ,. i don't think he knows me . funny right ? hahaha . i just don't have the courage to face him at all ! i'm just too shy !! :P

oh yess ,. i just wanna clarify that i only like him . not LOVE him . there's a huge difference in both meaning . 

p/s : hey guy ~ stop stealing my heart away !


- mumu -

he brightens my gloomy world without him realizing ! :D

Monday 18 April 2011

when your face is being pampered !

assalamualaikum wbt :D

wassup yaw readers out there ? is everything's fine as the clear blue sky ? i hope it is ;) oh yeah ,. how's your skin doing ? oily ? dry ? pimply ? large pores ? or your skin is just doing great ?

mine ? *urghhh


this morning after i had my bath , i looked at the mirror . my face's condition was terrible .  uneven skin tone , small pimples on my forehead , dried skin , and some wide pores . :((

yes ,. i do admit that i don't really take good care of my face . i only bought one face cleanser . 

and i agree that only cleanser is not enough ! i need at least a toner and a moisturizer ! maybe next time i'll be trying Nano White ( oh mummy ,. be my money supplier !!:)

okay ,. so what's my solution to solve my skin problem ? i bought a masker ( thank you papa for the money ) :)

so what am i waiting for ? i rushed up to Ncky's ( my lesbo ) room and into the toilet .

Step 1 : wash my face . face must be clean ^__^

right after washing my face

then i wipe it dry :D

my skin is pretty bad right ?? thanks to the caring weather in ARAUstralia ( here it's extremely hot ! and everyday i am exposed to direct sunlight :S )

Step 2 : applying mask on my cleaned face . * the very moment i've been waiting for .! hehehehe

apply mask to face evenly :)

FREEMAN's product ; avocado & oatmeal clay mask

then all i have to do is just wait until it hardens . 
approximately 15-20 mins ? depends on how thick is the 
layer you apply on your face :D

Step 3 : wash my face again . and the result issss ~~

wipe dry my face *again ~

still wiping .. hahaha xD

and here me go !!! i shine like the moon :X

" hey ! what's with your skin colour ?? did the mask abra cadabra it and make it white ? "

no silly ~ it's the lighting . i was facing the window when i snapped all those pictures . NO EDITING OKAY ? I'M NO FAKE ! and i don't wear thick make-ups ! or even push-ups ! *woopsss xP

have a nice day !


- mumu -

Saturday 16 April 2011

sister , please don't go .!

assalamualaikum wbt :)

hey ! i wanna know what it feels like to lose a friend who is almost like blood-related to you ? i think the word SAD is also not enough to express exactly how you feel ,. rite ? and that is exactly how i feel right now .

who is the ONE ?

Siti Nor Hidayah binti Mohd. Nor  :'(

she's my olive !

11/4/2011 (Monday) 

it all happened so fast . she settled everything by herself and her sister . and we're not involved :( i guessed she took a consideration not to bother our studies *auww ,. so shweettttt !

on that date , she took the resignation form and girl , i went speechless . i just don't know what to say .

for me , she took the right decision to stop right now rather than to stop later and suffer regretfulness for the rest of her life ( or most likely ) . fyi ,. her course is quite tough and i'm pretty sure i'll pee in my pants too if i were in her shoes .

12/4/2011 - 15/4/2011

we spent most of our time together since we're not gonna be together later . we'll not gonna see each other often and i'm gonna miss her like i do right now . i mean , who's gonna hear all my stories later ? who's gonna defend me when i get scolded ? most importantly ,. who's gonna say everything's okay when i'm in  any level of problems ?

** i hate this sort of feeling when i wanna cry but there's no tears coming out . only my heart feel such pain that is indescribable . OUCHH !


yeah ,. we managed to hold her up to stay with us until today . and still i couldn't let her go but i have to . yes ,. i couldn't cry in front of her nor my friends . but that doesn't mean that i'm cool with it ! we helped her to bring her stuffs down to the lobby . and waited for her parents to come . and when it's finally time to let go ,. i went speechless . i hugged her and i could see that she's crying .

and there ,. i stood by watching her leaving the campus and i said to myself  "she's going home" :(

p/s : dayah ! sorry ,. aku tak nyanyi kat hang . so ,. aku dedicate lagu kat hang kat sini okey ??

take care of yourself and keep intouch with me . kalau kedekut sangat kredit suruh i call pun takpa . ILOVEYOU ! :'(


- mumu -

stupid girl .

assalamualaikum wbt :)

hey readers :D how are you guys and gays doing ? everything's alright ,. rite ?

today , i'm about to write about someone . specifically ,. a girl . stupid one . ignore her name but anyhow let's name her miss S ,. some of my friends knew her . to tell you all the truth ,. i don't even know her AT ALL ! and how do i get involved into this shit mess ? thanks to her roommate i supposed so (miss W) . =..=''

let's go to the interesting part of this problemos ..

one night ( partially very early morning to be more interesting) while i was studying in my friend's room ,. coincidently nearby miss W's room , miss W came into the room bringing miss S's phone . obviously i was shocked and quite furious because she said that the phone has been ringing for almost 3 times (alarm clock) but miss S is still unconscious ( tidoq mampuih ! ) .

problem starts whennnn ,...

miss W read miss S's and her boyfie's messages . and apa yang menarik my attention is some of the content of the message :

(i) miss S's boyfie demanded a nokia c6 from her .
(ii) that bastard guy wanted money .

i was like WTFishhh ?! hey piece of shit !! what's the function of your balls ? you have the guts asking a girl for money ? oh please ,. get rid of that balls .

so , i took that guy's number as my intention is not to let that girl to be fooled further . honestly ,. no other intention . JUST TO HELP HER NOT TO BE FOOLED UPSIDE DOWN INSIDE OUT !

the next night ,. i called that number saying that i'm miss S's mom . i told him to stop what he's doing to miss S . give her back all her stuffs ( fyi , miss S switched her new lappy with her boyfie's . and that is what a dumb person's act ) and stop contacting miss S .

to cut the story short ,.

this morning ,. that guy found out who i am . according to him , he got my number thru M centre ( which i think it's impossible because it's against their policy unless that fella was given bribe money . damn you fella ! )

okay ,. and so i confessed everything to her . and i apologized . and also i explained why i did that . seriously ,. it's not my intention to be so busybody but i really really really don't wanna see her be cheated by that guy . frankly speaking ,. miss S is soooooooo naive ! i guess she never seen outside world yet and that's why she's an easy bait . 

and after confessing ,. wanna know what she said ?

a rather complicated long sentences which i simplify her means as " i don't care

and how immature those couples are when they threatened me that they wanna do a police report . i was like ARE YOU FOR REAL ? MAN ,. YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING MY SHIT OUT OF IT .

come on ,. i think the police would laugh their shit out and pee on your report . ( get my meaning aite ? they don't have the time to layan-layan kiddos stuffs )

okay ,. that's where the story ends for today . and i still don't know what they're gonna do . but hey ,. what are they gonna do about it rite ? if they made a wrong decision , they'll make a fool out of themselves . 

well , i hope one day when the girl realized she was cheated , i hope she'll blame herself . 

the moral for today's story is :

don't bother about other's shit because taik diorang busuk , tengok taik sendiri sudah .
( jangan jaga tepi kain orang . tengok kain sendiri either koyak or not sudah )

TO BE CONTINUED ,. ( perhaps ? )

- mumu -

Sunday 10 April 2011

i'm with UiTM !

assalamualaikum :D

heyyy ! haha ,. lama tak update lah . bukan apa ,. we as a student have commitments to our studies and so on in university . so , blog comes secondary :)

okay , todays's activity . what do we do on saturdays ?

if normal saturdays , bangun lewat ! layan malas ,. etc . :P

if saturdays yang nak dekat final , bangun lewat (as usual) then study with ELL (he's a good tutor) x)

so , what have i learnt today ?

COST ACCOUNTING  (i really really really hate accounts!)

chapter 1 : Introduction - theory . blablablaa . need to memorize .

chapter 2 : Materials 

- theory . 

- Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) 

(i) graph
(ii) formulae
(iii) tabulation method 

- First in First out (FiFo) , Last in First out (LiFo) . 
in the process of learning this shit *woopsiee topic , berlaku sedikit komplikasi . hahaha . we all lupa how nak buat FiFo and LiFo . but not to worry ,. esok kan masih ada ?

chapter 3 : Labor - theory . and how to calculate WAGES ! part nih best . kerja tak mau tapi gedik nak kira gaji . hahahaha !! how to kira gaji .? there are 2 basis .:

(i) time based (you all tau kan ?)

(ii) output based
- normal units
- differential piecework .
example :
1-5 units (RM5)
6-10 units (RM6)

so let's say that you produced 8 units , then the first 5 units is calculated as 5x5=RM25
the balance of 3 units is calculated as 3x6=RM 18 . then total up and you'll get RM43 . simple aite ?

(iii) guaranteed minimum . 
means that if it is needed to produce at least 250 units per day but you only produce 100 units , there is a guaranteed minimum amount that you'll be paid . but if you produce more than 250 units , you'll be paid for the amount that you produce .

End of studying story . 

Activity petang pulak ,. tengok BOLA kat sport com ! hahaha ,. saja amek angin selepas otak crammed study .


i pergi sana time tuh nak dekat half-game . sampai2 sana UiTM dah score 1 and UUM 0 :D

almost half-game :) 1-0

after half-game , UUM scored 1 thanks for the penalty they got and seriously geram kat goalkeeper !! how can he missed ?. heh !

easy goal for the UUM . 

i dah fed up dah time tu . why ? because UiTM ada 3 open opportunities nak goal . but how could they missed that ? *grr !! 

tambah2 lagi bila minah2 UUM cheering at the players ,  half UiTM boleh dengar . huh . penyokong perempuan lebih banyak dari penyokong lelaki and i wondered why .? penyokong UiTM of course lah balance :) 

continue watching the game ,..

sorry lah ,. gambar tak elok . gna phne cam jaa ,. btw , merah putih is us and biru is UUM . GO UiTM ! x)

time dah almost nak give up ,. UiTM players buat gempak pulak . hahahaha . tengok la kaki diorang score berapa ??


apa lagi . SENYUM lah ! puas hati and balik . :D that's all for today ! thank you for reading .


- mumu -

Wednesday 6 April 2011

microeconomics - 162

assalamualaikum ! :)

hello all ! it's been awhile since i left my blog *kesian dia . why ? i've been busy studying microeconomics ! *Grr!! even though it's a last minute study , harap2 boleh score lah . hehe . okey ,. syllabus are based on the above book . gerun kannn ?

in this book there's 2 parts . 

(i) microeconomics 
(ii) macroeconomics  

btw , i bukan baca sgt pun buku tu . based on manual je . buku itu sekadar hiasan di bilik or just jadi pelapik laptop . *kuangkuangkuanggg ....

topics that are tested in test are :

(i) theory of production
(ii) cost of production
(iii) market structure :
      perfect competition , monopoly , monopolistic competition

haaa ,. looks simple right ? NOPE. not really . because we have lotsa theories , graphs , formulas  to remember . 

fyi ,. i've problems on remembering something (short-term memory loss) and solution is ,. drink Chicken Brands !

okay , i'll give you an example on Short-Run Monopolistic Competition .

so ,. what do y'all understand about this graph ? okay , how do y'all differentiate between this graph and a Monopoly graph ?

- we look at the D . in monopolistic competition , D is elastic (less steep) compared to monopoly's D which is inelastic (more steeper). 

okay , let's continue on the Monopolistic Competition .

when MR = MC (MC intersects with MR) profit is maximized . also known as equilibrium point .

to determine whether it is earning supernormal , normal or subnormal profit , we look at the ATC (which sometimes known as AC) curve . as we see in the graph , ATC is located above D . therefore , it is earning supernormal profit *which is good .

okay . done with that ,. how to calculate the profit earned?

BIG box (shaded area and non-shaded area) is Total Revenue , TR .
SMALL box ( only non-shaded area ) is Total Cost , TC .

TR - TC = Profit (shaded area)

terms ,...
D = demand curve
MR = Marginal Revenue curve
MC = Marginal Cost curve
ATC = Average Total Cost curve
AC = Average Cost curve
TR = Total Revenue
TC = Total Revenue

and there you go ,. end of today's lesson . BEST kan ? :P


- mumu -